About Us
Sandwell Churches Link has been instrumental over the last 20 years in building relationships between churches to harness collaboration and understanding.
In 2016 we became a registered charity where our mission focus was primarily on how churches can reduce poverty in all its forms including lack of resources, low confidence and social isolation.

Our values:
Christian Tradition - Sandwell Churches Link is deeply rooted in the Christian tradition, its ethos and values. It seeks to adhere to the biblical principle of:
- Every life matters
- Everyone has something to contribute
- No one should be written off
- We need each other
- Injustice and inequality are to be challenged and overcome
- Everyone is welcome
Working with Communities – Sandwell Churches Link is embedded in the culture and history of the communities of Sandwell. Our approach is to work alongside communities and organisations advocating a listening approach to better understand the needs and draw out the talents and assets from within the community itself.
Working with Churches – Sandwell Churches Link will continue to build on its well-established relationships with Sandwell Churches to listen to their concerns and aspirations, and to help them to cast vision for how to build authentic links into their communities. SCL will work alongside them to identify their assets, build connection with their community and mobilise them into new ways to work together with their communities to create a better tomorrow.