Clothing Bank
Sandwell Clothing Bank, run by Sandwell Churches’ Link in partnership with St Mary's Bearwood, provides brand new clothing and shoes to families struggling to cloth and feed thier loved ones in the midst of the Cost-of-Living Crisis.

With so many in our communities struggling to heat their homes, pay bills, and even feed their families, Sandwell Clothing Bank distributes free brand-new clothing and shoes to those in our community who need them the most.
The Clothing Bank receives surplus unsold clothing and shoes which are then sorted and distributed through a network of local partner organisations (see list below). Dignity and self-esteem are being restored, a sense of identity and confidence increased, and what limited resources available to families has been focused on the provision of other everyday essentials such as food and heating.
St Mary’s Bearwood provides resources and administration support to Sandwell Clothing Bank, helping to ensure that the partner organisations are able to most effectively get the right shoes and clothes to the people who need them, for example rough sleepers, recently arrived refugees, foodbank and pantry clients, students and disability groups.
But sadly this costs money to run.
There are costs incurred in the collection, sorting and distribution of the clothing so if you would like to make a donation to support this vital work, please click on the link below
For information and to find out other ways you can support Sandwell Clothing Bank, please contact us